Ellen Wallace
Ellen Wallace


Wine Hiking Switzerland, 2022, Helvetiq bestseller. Also in German, French. Vineglorious! Switzerland's Wondrous World of Wine, 2004. Out of print: China, on the Ground, 2004 and The Fine Line, a style guide to English in an international setting, 2002 third print run.

What you'll find here

Author of books, essays, novels and magazine wine articles. You'll see me writing about: on balance, awe, joy, wisdom. The trail to these gems that make life worth is scattered with notes on wine&food, gardens, hikes, books, world travels, widowhood, aging, Alpha-Gal, reluctant quasi-vegan. Photos: Instagram buff.

New in 2024

Learning to live with Alpha-Gal, an allergy to all dairy and most meat, thanks to a nasty little tick bite. Also in 2024: I'll gradually be moving the archives from my blog Ellen's Wine World to their new home here on Medium. I've nearly completed a novel and I'm working on a collection of short stories, so expect to see a bit of fiction writing here now and again, too.


Swiss news publisher 2006-2016. Long-time news reporter for Time, People, Business Week, with feature writing for more than 200 US and British publications. Judge at international wine competitions.

Off the internet there is life!

I live in the Swiss Alps, home to exquisite wines, but I’ve also called Paris, western Ireland and various places in the US home. I’ve lost count of the number of countries I’ve traveled to, the roads I’ve hiked or biked, and the number of wines I’ve poured. I love walkin’ and talkin’ the vine and the joys and sorrows of life - join me!

Press credentials, wine credentials

I am an invited journalist member of: the International Circle of Wine Writers and the Mémoire des Vins Suisses. I am a member of AOC and regional wine certification commissions in Switzerland.

Roundup of links to my articles and others in my bi-monthly newsletter on Substack.

Medium member since November 2017

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Ellen Wallace

Ellen Wallace

Swiss writer, journalist, essayist in English: exploring the intersections of life and fiction. Author of 4 published books. Current work: novel, short stories.